︎ UI/UX Designer
︎ Game Designer
︎ Information Designer 

Hello, I'm Angie Liu, a full-stack user experience and user interface designer with backgrounds in visual and information design. I apply my skills in information organization, visual impact, and research to create compelling user experiences. Currently, I hold the position of Senior UX Designer at Blizzard Entertainment, where I craft intuitive, elegant, and meaningful user-centered designs.

My expertise lies in user experience, user interface, and interactive design for digital devices, app design, and game design. I wield tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, and Figma. Additionally, I have experience in Game UI design, having worked with prominent companies like NetEase.

Some of my passions include user-centric design, game design, product design, animation, and globetrotting. If any of this resonates with you, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

Contact Me

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︎ Behance
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2018 (72 hours)


"Lollipop" is a physics-based casual rhythm game made for Global Game Jam 2018 in a group of 5 students. The theme of the event was "Transmission".

Move the Bubble to the next level.

Rules & Controls:
Player controls 8 lollipops horizontally mapped with "QWER UIOP" on keyboard.

Whenever a key is pressed, corresponding lollipop will pop up (with a music note being played), which can hit the bubble and give it a impulse.

Whenever the bubble hits water, it pops out and dies, and the level would be restarted.


Illustrator, Sketch, Unity


Art&Design Director;
UI/UX Designer;
Game designer


2018 Game Jam website:
Game Demo online play: